Monday, June 24, 2024

The career of Amanda George

Amanda George loves professional wrestling. Her role model is Maria Kanellis . When she’s at a pro wrestling event, large or small, she beams from ear to ear because she loves the action, the drama, and the compelling storytelling that goes along with the genre that originated from the carnival circuit. One thing is for sure, professional wrestling might just be the most unique form of entertainment anywhere.

Amanda‘s love affair with professional wrestling is as some classic and as pure as it comes, she became enthralled with the over-the-top spectacle of the grappling arts when she was just 14. She was so obsessed with the squired circle that her middle school classmates insisted that one day she pursue a place in the sport of her very own.

And Amanda did just that.

Just a few years ago, she stumbled upon T2T Pittsburgh, an academy that was the brain child of two independent wrestling stalwarts, Ganon Jones Jr. and MV Young. The two grapplers wanted to bring pro wrestling to their hometown of New Kensington, a city located north west of Pittsburgh along the Allegheny River and was once an industrial hub in its heyday. The training center, which was re imaged from the remnants of an old bank building, had an open door policy for those that wanted to test themselves in a pursuit of sports entertainment.

Not only did the project give off the ground, but also launched 880 Wrestling, a nod to the city's postal code, along with the training classes. One of the doors that T2T Pittsburgh opened was for Amanda to emulate her wrestling idol as a ringside manager.

"I heard about 880 from Ganon Jones Jr. and Dani Mo. I decided to reach out to MV and ask if I could come watch a class or two to see if I wanted to join. I still, to this day, have the first message I sent to MV. You can argue to say that I am still training, as you never stop training or learning in wrestling," Amanda explained.

With the breeze of spring through a pair of glass doors, Amanda took the plunge into pro wrestling classes. A mural of the city painted on the wall contrasts a brick wall on the opposing side, creating a unique atmosphere for both training sessions and live events held at the building. Outside of the key pieces of learning how to protect herself and land on the canvas as safely as possible, she learned some of the pieces of the puzzle for a pro wrestling valet.

"Amanda is a completely different performer than when she first started training, she grows more comfortable into her role every time she’s out there. I look forward to seeing how far she can go," said MV Young of his student's progress.

Just over a year and a half ago, with the stamp of approval from her trainers, Amanda George transformed herself into Amanda Maslow, a savvy businesswoman that will achieve success for her clients at any cost, when she became an on-screen character for her home base at 880 Wrestling and then branched out to Victory Championship Wrestling in McMechen, West Virginia.

"My involvement in promotions like 880 and VCW has given me more experience in my career in general. They were the first companies that wanted to take a chance on me and see what I could do. I’m also starting to branch out to companies outside of the state of PA to learn other important roles in the wrestling business that are just as important as being in or around a professional wrestling ring," she commented.

Similar to many hopefuls that look to break into the business, Amanda is always keen on looking for opportunities to work for more organizations when the chance presents itself. It's not uncommon to see her quietly pop her head into a locker room around the Pittsburgh circuit to network and see what she can do to help the event. Regardless if it's working a merch table, filming content for social media, or running errands when needed, Amanda George brings a humble attitude with her to each show she attends, grateful for the chance that she gets to be a part of the industry that she remains a fan of.

"Honestly, the goal is to enjoy my career. I’m in it for the love of the game, enjoying the ride. Making towns, shaking hands, making moments," Amanda commented.

Among the professional strides she's made in more recent months is her list of clients, as she's often spotted alongside, 880 standout and one of the rising youngsters within the Pittsburgh scene that has made his way to a myriad of organization, Gianni Michael Emricko. Just a two-year pro, "The Italian Strongman" is regarded by many as one of the best prospects in the Pittsburgh region, and Amanda added a completely new dynamic to that presentation. At 880, she expanded her reach with the formation of her own group, the Matriarchy with Zeke Mercer and Paris Sahara. Zeke Mercer has wrestled six years as a professional, breaking into the industry at when they were just 18, and have expanded their resume around the tri-state area within the past few years. Paris is known as a dynamic and athletic performer, and she has become one of the new stars to watch on the Pittsburgh circuit.

880 hosts weekly live cards on Thursdays and monthly special events on Fridays. The villainous Amanda Maslow has played an increasing bigger role in the organization, which she cites as valuable experience, and allowed her to hone her craft on the key components of an effective valet.

"Someone that stands out that can really get the crowd going, good facial expressions, knows how to react to things, and can make their presence known. Something I've learned is that you need to trust who you work with, constantly getting reps will help you improve, and the people around you will always be able to help you or give advice on something you aren't sure about," she explained.

More than just pursuing her passion to be a part of the business, Amanda knows that the opportunity to be involved in the sport has a level of responsibility with it, which is something that she takes seriously. She knows that milestones and achievements must be given the proper respect and recognition when they can have an impact on the history of the sport.   

"Being able to be apart of the first ever transgender black women match at 880 with Paris Sahara and Brianna Bandz, and being able to help form the Matriarchy with Zeke Mercer and Paris Sahara. We were all on our own career paths and we all came together to make something special," she remarked.

There's no doubt about it, Amanda George went to wrestling school because she was a fan of the genre, and she remains a fan today. She has just as much fun at the events as the fans in the seats, and that enthusiasm allowed her to pursue her childhood dream. If Amanda ever makes it to the national stage remains to be seen, there are no guarantees in the pro wrestling business, but in many ways, she is already a success story.

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