Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pittsburgh card show

A pair of WWE legends will be in attendance for a special appearance this weekend for the Pittsburgh Card Show at the Washington Crown Center Mall. The card show, which runs events a few times a year, brings with it hundreds of vendors of sports merchandise, as extended rows of tables line the interior of the mall with everything from casual stacks of current card packs to rare graded cards that are sought after by the most diehard collectors. The once struggling retail space in the mall sees an uptick in business as hundreds of sports fans browse the selection of cards, jerseys, and other memorabilia.

Of course, Pittsburgh is a city that is known for its wrestling almost as much as the steel it once produced so its fitting that two former Intercontinental champions will be hosted that weekend, with their specific vendor thrilled to be able to bring them to the event to meet with the incredibly loyal wrestling fan base of the region.

In this case, ATD Promotions, a group that represents stars for appearances around Pittsburgh and throughout the mid west, the Pittsburgh Card show became a regular stop for them on their busy calendar in recent years, with rare appearances from Koko B. Ware and One Man Gang at the trade show in the past. This time, ATD secured another rare appearence for steel city fans, as former IC champions, Tito Santana and Ken Patera will be their guest on Saturday February 1st from 10 AM-3 PM at Washington Crown Center.

Anthony D’Alfonso, a Pittsburgh native, launched ATD Promotions with his longtime friend and business partner, Mike Rickard, who owns a vintage toy and collectible shop, Wild Card Video Games, in Niles, Ohio. 

"Wrestling was something I discovered when I was around ten years old. I was channel surfing one night and came across it. It happened to be the night Bill Goldberg debuted on Monday Night Raw and speared The Rock. I was hooked instantly," Anthony said of the moment that sparked his wrestling fandom.

He didn't know it at the time, but catching that moment on-screen by chance would lead to him working with many of the larger-than-life stars of the industry years later when he launched the ATD promotional group.

"I started ATD solo in 2018. Since that time it’s expanded to a three-person partnership. Representing talent is an honor and a privilege. I’ve met some really wonderful people along the way. You really get to know the people behind the characters," he explained.

From sitting in front of the television as a youngster watching classic moments through the now-defucnt WWE 24/7 on-demand service, which was the predecessor on cable systems to the massive WWE streaming footprint of today, to having breakfast with some of those same stars as a representative today is an example of the unique journeys taken within a very unique genre.

Still as wholesome and nostalgic as sitting across the table from Uncle Fred Ottman, Tatanka, or Wendi Richter might be, the promotional business is still just that, a business. There are countless hours of planning and marketing that go into each loop of appearances for the handful of hours that the legends will greet enthusiastic fans. It's not uncommon for D’Alfonso to spend a late-night session booking travel for his talent before he coordinates the media distribution of marketing materials online to advertise the appearances. With how popular the meet and greet business has become as conventions, there becomes a difficult balancing act to maintain so that the talent is well taken care of, and the business venture itself can see a profit to be able to continue to deliver this appearances.

D’Alfonso has remained steadfast in his commitment to both the legends that allow him to promote them, and to his customers, explaining on social media in the past that prices are kept reasonable to ensure a positive experience and that up-charging for certain items to be autographed, which has become a troubling trend among the convention circuit, would not be a part of any of the ATD events.

When I caught up with Anthony last November, when he was hosting "Cowboy" Bob Orton at another card show around the region, you get the impression that the guy is as enthusiastic for these appearances as the fans that are there to meet the legends. Prior to the start time of the signing, Anthony took the time to browse through the trading cards just like everyone else.

Anthony cited a busy weekend ahead of him, but expressed excitement for the Pittsburgh Card Show, as it has become somewhat of a trademark of his promotional group to bring in stars for rare appearances that usually don’t visit the northeast.

"I would say the planning and promoting of the events is the most challenging part. The day of is usually a breeze. After doing this for 7 years, it sort of becomes routine," Anthony concluded.

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